2023 arXiv Spin Squeezing by Rydberg Dressing in an Array of Atomic Ensembles Hines, J. A., Rajagopal, S. V., Moreau, G. L., Wahrman, M. D., Lewis, N. A., Marković, O., and Schleier-Smith, M. arXiv:2303.08805 [quant-ph] (2023) Bib HTML PDF @article{quantum2023hines, doi = {10.48550/ARXIV.2303.08805}, abbr = {arXiv}, html = {https://arxiv.org/abs/2303.08805}, pdf = {https://arxiv.org/pdf/2303.08805.pdf}, author = {Hines, J. A. and Rajagopal, S. V. and Moreau, G. L. and Wahrman, M. D. and Lewis, N. A. and Marković, O. and Schleier-Smith, M.}, title = {Spin Squeezing by Rydberg Dressing in an Array of Atomic Ensembles}, journal = {{arXiv}:2303.08805 [quant-ph]}, year = {2023}, copyright = {Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International}, bibtex_show = {true}, selected = {true} } 2021 thesis Quantum engineering by Rydberg dressing in a cold atomic gas Marković, O. Ph.D. thesis (2021) Bib HTML @phdthesis{markovic2021quantum, abbr = {thesis}, title = {Quantum engineering by Rydberg dressing in a cold atomic gas}, numpages = {167}, school = {Stanford University}, year = {2021}, author = {Marković, O.}, langid = {english}, url = {https://purl.stanford.edu/tj863pj7694}, html = {https://purl.stanford.edu/tj863pj7694}, urldate = {2022-04-30}, bibtex_show = {true}, selected = {true} } PRX Quantum Number Partitioning With Grover’s Algorithm in Central Spin Systems Anikeeva, G., Marković, O., Borish, V., Hines, J. A., Rajagopal, S. V., Cooper, E. S., Periwal, A., Safavi-Naeini, A., Davis, E. J., and Schleier-Smith, M. PRX Quantum (2021) Bib HTML @article{number2021anikeeva, abbr = {PRX Quantum}, title = {Number Partitioning With Grover's Algorithm in Central Spin Systems}, author = {Anikeeva, G. and Marković, O. and Borish, V. and Hines, J. A. and Rajagopal, S. V. and Cooper, E. S. and Periwal, A. and Safavi-Naeini, A. and Davis, E. J. and Schleier-Smith, M.}, journal = {PRX Quantum}, volume = {2}, issue = {2}, pages = {020319}, numpages = {24}, year = {2021}, month = may, publisher = {American Physical Society}, doi = {10.1103/PRXQuantum.2.020319}, url = {https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PRXQuantum.2.020319}, html = {https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PRXQuantum.2.020319}, bibtex_show = {true}, selected = {true} } 2020 PRL Transverse-Field Ising Dynamics in a Rydberg-Dressed Atomic Gas Borish, V., Marković, O., Hines, J. A., Rajagopal, S. V., and Schleier-Smith, M. Phys. Rev. Lett. (2020) Bib HTML @article{transverse-field2020borish, abbr = {PRL}, title = {Transverse-Field Ising Dynamics in a Rydberg-Dressed Atomic Gas}, author = {Borish, V. and Marković, O. and Hines, J. A. and Rajagopal, S. V. and Schleier-Smith, M.}, journal = {Phys. Rev. Lett.}, volume = {124}, issue = {6}, pages = {063601}, numpages = {6}, year = {2020}, month = feb, publisher = {American Physical Society}, doi = {10.1103/PhysRevLett.124.063601}, url = {https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevLett.124.063601}, html = {https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevLett.124.063601}, bibtex_show = {true}, selected = {true} }